Ginny Cook and Kim Schoen, MATERIAL 3
Softcover, 96 pp. + insert, offset 2/1, 160 x 270 mm
Edition of 500
ISBN 978-0-9801441-2-3
Published by MATERIAL Press
$15.00 ·
MATERIAL exists as a platform for the artist’s voice. Each issue brings together a different group of artists who write, as well as a new collaboration with a graphic designer. During the production of this third issue, our designer Zak Jensen put forth the idea of concatenation — the act of linking together, or the state of being joined (
It was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances) (there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare)
(the joining of hands around the table).
Concatenation (c.1600, from L.L. concatenatus, pp. of concatenare “to link together,” from com- “together”+ catenare, from catena “a chain”) seemed an appropriate word for our editorial method. An unlikely assemblage of texts becomes connected through this process; uncanny linkages emerge. Wyeth appears twice. Performances interact. In this issue: voices that duel, voices that parrot, voices that hypothesize, translate, and meditate, voices that speak simultaneously. As Roland Barthes writes, we have assembled these textual events, as “pleasure in pieces; language in pieces; culture in pieces,” to build upon one another into something new.*
*Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text, trans. Richard Miller (New York: Hill and Wang, 1975), p. 51
Farrah Karapetian, Paul Zelevansky, Renee Petropoulous, Nate Harrison, James Welling, Natalie Häusler, Harold Abramowitz, Shana Lutker Stephanie Taylor, Alice Könitz, Frank Chang, and Emily Mast.

Alice Konitz, Andrew Wyeth, Art, Catherine Guiral, Concatenare, Criticism, Daniel Lucas, Design, Distribution, Dorit Cypis, Emily Mast, Farrah Karapetian, Frank Chang, Ginny Cook, Harold Abramowitz, James Welling, John Stezaker, Jonathan Miles, Kim Schoen, MATERIAL Press, Natalie Häusler, Nate Harrison, Olivier Richon, Paul Zelevansky, Quentin Walesch, Renee Petropoulous, Richard Miller, Roland Barthes, Shana Lutker, Stephanie Taylor, Theory, Thomas Lawson, Typecraft Wood & Jones, Typography, Wendy Schoen, Zak Jensen

Jonathan Maghen, Waste Bookmark
Bookmark, offset 1/0, 2 x 5.5 inches
Edition of 11 + 2 proofs, unnumbered
Published by Textfield
$2.00 ·
Card used by Pressman to indicate any waste, errors, bad sheets, etc., on a printed job to the Bindery; typically made from the waste sheets of other printed jobs. Re-reused as a bookmark; part of an unfinished book, used to bookmark the pages of a finished book.
Art, Bookmark, Distribution, Jonathan Maghen, Offset, Phil Chang, Press Check, Textfield, Typecraft Wood & Jones, Waste